Stolen elections have consequences. In all countries.

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

It was said that Obama beget Trump, and while it hasn't been said as much, I believe Trump beget Biden, who brought with him the worst foreign policy dregs (Powers, Rice, Rhodes, Jerrett) from Obama's admin, as well as incompetents like Blinken, Klain and Sullivan, and I won't even comment on the VP.

I'm terrified as to what comes next.

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Matt - FYI: When I clicked on the 'Comment' link in your email about this piece - Norton flagged the link as a 'dangerous' website. You might want to check that out.

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The only opinion you may hold is the approved opinion.

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One of the enormous problems with not understanding the development level of the Authority-driven mindset is that it has extremely poor consequential thinking. The fact that Blinken obviously did not think this through is scary, considering he is the Secretary of State.

The deep consequence is, though, is that policy reversal then requires reality-based grounding so profound the Authority cannot deny it. Think of what that might mean in the context of Ukraine. It means we have also left the arena of a Learning Society.

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Now at least it isn’t a baseless conspiracy that the US might’ve been involved in the Nordstream debacle. You’ve got the guy in the right seat saying exactly what would happen regarding energy dependency if said debacle ever happened.

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For a serious, level-headed analysis by a respected and qualified observer of the war and it's reasons, I would suggest listening to Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University who was an advisor to Gorbachev and Yeltsin, as well as to the U.N. Secretary General, and was on the ground in Ukraine in 2014 when the U.S. overthrew the Ukrainian leader. Here is a clip where Sachs was on Bloomberg News a week ago:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5m8m9RNxjw and he was shut down when he said the U.S. is a major suspect in the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline. For a more comprehensive analysis from Sachs, listen to the first 13 minutes of this video from a few days ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrFPocqaE78&t=1102s

The U.S. media has been providing a narrative that is simply incomplete, if not untrue.

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Now that Trump has come out publicly in support of a peace deal with Russia, I suppose that Democrats are going to attempt some kind of charge of treason against him. Their strategy of defeating Trump as a "Putin puppet" failed before, so they're doubling down again...only this time in the midst of an actual war with Russia.

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

Big Brother Is Here.

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Taibbi = The Truth

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It's all projection, accusing the other of what you yourself do. The Rubicon has been passed in the Ukraine. Today Russia decided to give NATO/Ukraine a dose of NATO military doctrine; attack civilian infrastructure which is the US modus operandi since the civil war in the US. No doubt that this was in response to the sabotaging provocation by the west. The Ukrainian Army has left itself exposed on the steppes with the rainy season about to start and the Russian blitzkrieg starting in the winter to come after. Currently both Russian and US nuclear doctrine precludes a nuclear war under forseeable conditions but like the first Queen Elizabeth used to say " I hate war because it's so unpredictable"! The US has proven itself to not be agreement capable and it's ruling classes seem to be as clueless as it's political leadership so I wouldn't count anything out. When the top general David Peteraus makes threats like a teenager I do get worried as he's "supposed to be" an adult.

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Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.

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The Nazis had imbecilic bureaucrats who saw no problem with first blacklisting, socially destroying then murdering people to achieve their ideological aspirations, too.

Lots of people spoke up about the Bush years giving the acronyms free run of the country but the sheep didn't listen. They were afraid of the evil Mooslims just like they were afraid of the deadly virus and confined themselves to their own homes. But hey, they did get a revolutionary iPhone built by slave labor, so all's well that ends well.

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

When it concerns the most sensitive matters, our government is run not by its elected officials but by the military-industrial-national-security complex, behind the mask of the media-academic-corporate -party complex,. It operates entirely by the principle of "reasons of state"--secrecy and non-transparency, the mask behind which the most corrupt as well as ideologically delusional motives germinate and grow. Its principle is that that the state and its elites are not themselves subject to the state's own laws. We have returned to absolutism through the triumph of the administrative meta-state. This is the secret state (because it is mostly not visible) that is leading the fight for "democracy versus autocracy" across the world . . .

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Fucking jackasses. Yeah go ahead, blacklist, unperson and debank everybody who disagrees with you. Create a whole class of people who have nothing left to lose and know who to blame for it.

Might not be the brightest thing to be sending all your military hardware to pointlessly prolong the war in Ukraine if that's the plan. You won't be collecting the dividends on increased LNG sales for a while. Sure hope you guys bought enough F-15s.

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I guess watching a Russian DJ playing New York style break-beats while being spied upon by the CIA could be considered 'support in any way'. Maybe I'll switch to Kanye and piss them off that way.

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