This was NOT a “far-right” protest. I am not far-right and was considering attending that event. Why didn’t I? Because I was afraid of the government NOT the protestors. The EXPLICIT repeated message to Everyone planning to attend was DO NOT wear or carry or bring any election, political or issue related messages other than Justice for J6 or American flags or flag-related clothing. There were up to several hundred J6 PEACEFUL protestors in attendance. These were not all “Trump supporters, nor were they all federal agents.” Most just want the unconstitutional imprisonments to end. FYI J6 rallies are being held in several states this weekend.

Couching this as a “Trump” thing diminishes the importance of the issue AND feeds right into the lying sensationalist and partisan narratives.

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The left right split misses the point. Trump was an unauthorized president, he gamed the system. The elite lost control and will do anything to avoid it happening again.

That’s why they are so fluid and changeable , they are on any side of any issue. That’s why sometimes it looks like the lefties are totalitarian‘s and other times it’s the right wingers that look like authoritarians.

It’s just the elite controlling the narrative - infinitely malleable and all feeding and grunting together at same arm industry donator throughs. Note vote of both DNC and GOP politicians for one more $1B to apartheid Israel to replace ammunition spent on bombing the open-air concentration camp, Gaza.

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I don’t want to be the person who doesn’t stand up for what’s right. Nothing is going to change in any of these situations; the border, race-baiting, corruption, the castration of the military, the blatant lawlessness of the President of the US, the demoralization of law enforcement, the co-opting of the public education system etc. it’s never going to change unless people make heard the collective voice.

It seems we are all waiting for “someone” to fix it. WE ARE THE SOMEONE.

I’m ashamed of myself and ashamed FOR all of us who sit and raise our fists in frustration and engage in red-faced intellectual analyses of these issues.

I love Matt’s work. He is doing his job - compelling thought and inquiry. I love this forum (yes even the mean trolling intellectually deficient loons) Unfortunately in these times, more than thought is required.

There have been many times in my life when I felt our country’s leaders were/are simply f’d up. I worried for the future. This time? I believe the country is in mortal danger.

If this is the push for The Globalist agenda WHY not just be transparent about it? Give people a chance to express their choice.

WHY is this guy the “President” not in handcuffs?

Serious question - maybe someone here knows: does a President have to be impeached before or in lieu of criminal prosecution? Even as a puppet, he is the one breaking laws AND violating The Constitution.

Ugh - I need a nap and a place to live in Uruguay or Ecuador

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They create a non existent enemy to rally against. So 1984 and Emmanuel Goldstein.

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I’m laughing the feds arrested one of their own! I’m not laughing at their incompetence.

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At some point the lying media will face the truth and like a vampire facing the sun they will just dissolve into nothingness. This gathering of Americans who were concerned about the illegal detention of individuals from Jan 6 was universally described as "rightwing protesters." Many people are sick of the media and gov't acting as censors and spinning narratives that are wholly untrue and designed to divide and demonize decent working Americans. We usually don't have revolutions utilizing violence and guns but come election time maybe the ballot box will be more effective in getting rid of the mini-tyrants trying to run our lives.

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I haven't read every comment, but what about the reason for the "protest"?

Is it valid journalism to cover the treatment by the criminal justice system of those arrested Jan. 6? Or as "Trump deplorables" and "insurrectionists" is their treatment not worthy of remark?

What are the facts? Is that treatment how we want American jurisprudence to operate?

How does it compare to the way Antifa/BLM provocateurs and rioters were treated, including those who sought to destroy police precincts and potentially murder police officers?

Maybe that's a very different post, but covering this thing like it's a comical football game that ended with both teams tied at 0-0 kind of glosses over some of the big issues here.

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Just another day in Joe & Kammy's "peace and unity" police state, comrades.

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The FBI is a domestic terror organization. Anyone who denies this has not caught up with the truth and history of the FBI…

They need to be shut down. The idea that they do more good than harm is pure denial…

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed:


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It was a setup and no one came. Reminds me of “Luke it’s a trap!”

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God damn I hate everyone.

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Trump told everyone to stay home. Only the provocateurs came.

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Protest or not, it is a complete disgrace how the political prisoners are being trested

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Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says.


Of course the US military is just too danged honest & above board to do this.

Although I will say that, if this a psyop, we citizens have shown the powers that be that nothing could be easier than persuading liberals that elemental human rights are examples of white privilege.

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the determination by the left leaning media to gin up continued outrage over January 6th through to the midterms is going to backfire - people recognize what is going on and they aren’t biting- the optics of what happened that day were terrible and distressing- but we do know now despite media protestation to the contrary, that it was not a coordinated subversive attack on our government and thank god for that! I am a democrat ( although I hardly recognize my party) and I am appalled by the lack of due process for the arrested participants- and every one who values a liberal democracy should care about that too!

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I wonder who the Fedbois around here are. Probably just lurkers.

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