Cue media leapfrogging from "baseless right-wing misinformation conspiracy theory" straight to "old news common knowledge nothingburger".

If hard evidence came out tomorrow that Hillary Clinton sent a hit squad to kill Epstein, media would say it's a nothingburger because "everyone has already been saying that for years"

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Go matt! Many of us in the bay would love to buy you a beer and dinner

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022

“We know they are lying. They know they are lying. They know that we know they are lying. We know that they know that we know they are lying. And still, they continue to lie.”- Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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Isn't this exactly why us govt wants to ban tiktok, because Chinese intelligence is all over it behind the scenes? It's not news if we do it, and "of course we do it," but we're the good guys, and they (bad countries) can't be allowed because they're BAD!

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MFers are in it up to their eyeballs and they literally word for word just told the American people to "Fuck off".. and their media minions are "Move along, nothing to see here..."

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I was just thinking about how Watergate was just Nixon doing what J Edgar Hoover had done infinite times, to MLK, and half the world, it would seem. It was petty, small stuff, relatively.

This, on the other hand, is the worst dystopian nightmare I can conceive, worse than Orwell could have dreamed. Engineering the thoughts of billions of people. And I’m, like, the eighteenth person commenting on it? It’s like (well, not exactly like) being Jesus’ 18th disciple or something.

Without the FBI clearly violating the Constitution, there would be, as just one small effect, no war in Ukraine (never under Trump). How many people have died because of the dystopian actions of the national (and clearly socialist) FBI et al.

When I was a kid I was around (I won’t say how/why) a former head of the CIA a bit. I talked with him some. He was a nice guy. It’s hard for me to reconcile that with the (national, and mostly socialist) behaviour of these….National Socialists (what would a good acronym for them be?) destroying free speech...

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The new line of ad hominem attack to be rolled out by the MSM: "Free speech absolutist" Matt Taibbi.

The insertion of adjectives before names instead of simple nouns (journalist Matt Taibbi) is one more way the MSM frames the emotional tone of their slanted reporting. Learning to remain watchful for the various ways stories are framed is a key skill in navigating today's news media hellscape.

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I'm happy you're continuing to publish this information. It's about as important as Snowden's revelations. I'm already weary of the articles that spend 3/4 of their length apologizing for taking it seriously because of the "sources". It's all so ridiculous. Keep up the good work!

That said... (here we go)...

I will draw a line in the sand. I'm happy if people are able to assimilate information better from an "article" that consists of 51 bullet-points interleaved with dozens of screenshots. Good for them. It's your world; I'm just still living in it. I can read books and long-form essays elsewhere, but I weep for us all.

Matt, just scroll through that thing and tell me whether this is really any way of disseminating useful information? You've said you find the format appropriate and freeing. No disrespect, but it looks more like an AI struggling to awake, than journalistic output. I've read a ton of your essays and books and I miss that Matt Taibbi. I'm glad you're fulfilled, but I'm almost certain that this format won't stand the test of time.

I'm probably wrong and yelling at clouds. I can complain that the Idiocracy approacheth (or has long-since arrived), but this might be viewed in hindsight as the pinnacle of reporting. I just can't personally get any traction on it.

My attention span has been trained otherwise and I find it impossible to learn anything from this mishmash. The mind recoils.

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For me the most dangerous and egregious thing that FBI, CIA, CDC and FDA did was to force Twitter, You Tube, FB and on and on from publishing information about Covid. Doctors and scientists and regular citizens had their accounts suspended or blocked for asking questions, for publishing studies that ran counter to the government's story about the origin of Covid and how to treat it. And worst of all if there's a worst - the studies showing the dangers of the vaccines - especially for those low risk populations - have been completely buried. Academics and scientists have had their careers ruined and their character maligned for having the audacity to want to debate and discuss their findings. The government imposed unneccesary mandates, lockdowns, school closures and on and on that ruined lives, prevented kids from going to school, closed small businesses .....and of course it continues. No you don't need a booster if you are young and healthy. The risks outweigh any benefits. No, little kids don't need Covid shots. And sadly, many people have died from heart and blood clotting issues stemming from the MNRA vaccines. And sadly many treatments that initially may have helped save lives were blocked by Fauci and others who were pushing the vaccines (which netted Pfizer, Biotech and Moderna). The government recently bought hundreds of millions of dollars worth of boosters that will need to be discarded since barely anyone wants to take them at this point. And yet - the media and CDC continue to push them on a public that has moved on. I wonder if those complicit with the government propaganda will ever admit that they lied and ruined so many lives.

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Disgusting that this is being ignored by the large media outlets.

Sometimes I think the comment section at WAPO is populated and controlled by FBI and CIA bots.

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Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF) - Nope, it's the F**k Independent Thought Force


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Thanks for this work, Matt.

Even though this all comes as no surprise to many folks, this is a very important light being shed on the activities of the statists ahead of the Fauci/Covid files being released.

The scamdemic PsyOp is the one that has killed, and will kill, millions of people worldwide. Ironically, the fully vaxxed and boosted hyper-partisan "nothingburger" crowd are all among the group that's going to find out the hard way the true meaning of "Stupid is, as stupid does".

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As the West declines relative to the rising powers of the emerging multipolar system we can expect the regime to prioritise narrative management above all else. It is their greatest strength.

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Anyone feeling half boiled about now?

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Stroll over to the NYT and read the adulations of Adam Schiff. The only conclusion to be reached is that the world lives in tribes. What Taibbi is publishing will only prevail in good time. The question is whether those who protest will show contrition. NYT readers, emblematic of Sam Harris, demonstrate that truth should not be required to take down an enemy. That is what animated Trump Derangement Syndrome for four years, and those who “cling” to their Russian conspiracy story have conveniently dropped that line of reasoning to congratulate themselves, even lauding Schiff.

The independent media channels are the only counter-balance to corporate media, desperate to maintain relevancy and willing to shill for politicians who can support them financially.

Trump is a menace in an unlikely way: he controls no Army, his supporters are often conflicted, and he is openly criticized across the nation. The feeble comparisons to a famous Nazi are pathetic.

Watch, instead, who will not brook open argument, choosing to label such push-back as a conspiracy theory or the work of the small-minded. Thus does tyranny always suppress those who speak truth to power.

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"Nothingburger" is a very deliberately careless term deployed in this time of mis-, dis-, and mal- info-wars. It would seem to mean at first blush that there is nothing there to consume, no pertinent information. What it really means is that the content is just not interesting or stimulating enough in the various ways content can get one's juices flowing enough to be worthy of one's attention. Media have trained us to want ever more stimulation. More dopamine coursing through our veins. More orgasmic. "Nothingburger" is the ultimate trifecta of streams of mis, dis and mal synergistically crossed to send our brains into a black hole of "nothing to see here" from which there is no escape or even a desire to.

Dang. That felt good...

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