Yep. I'm officially DONE with Neo-Liberal Politics of Comparative Suffering while Wall St. gets unlimited Trillions to perpetuate the predatory commodification of every molecule and wavelength in the Universe.

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Loved this piece. Profound common sense about living life, excepting criticism, and diffusing the impacts of past intellectual knowledge. I will add that the constitution, regardless of the foibles of those that wrote it, is exceptional because it is about freedom and the absence of a boot on your neck.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all of us. It is not better but also - it is not worse --- we do live in CONTINUITY.

FBI and Edgar Hoover unconstitutional surveillance === CIA-FBI and St. Obama, Clapper, Brennan, Hayden === SAME despicable dangerous bastards.

Nothing changed but -- we should no longer buy in them spreading fear -- to control us...

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Update. The Detroit Lions (0-10-1) have once again snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Literally, they were ahead with 1 second left on the clock.

*i'm going to continue to be a happy idiot and say that can't last forever .. . but recognize there's a fine line between delusion and optimism.

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Ya, I still think Thanksgiving sucks.

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Matt, every year I find more things to be thankful for, and turkey day remains my favorite holiday. To help make it so, I don't associate the day I spend with its traditional meaning. As for your lambasting of Howard Zinn, I think your misinterpretation of his writings is akin to what caused Marx to declare, "I am not a Marxist.' To suggest that Zinn was so naive as to think that all working people are 'saints' and all the ruling class are some kind of devilish criminals is to rob him of his understanding that it is the SYSTEM and its need for unending expansion that dictates their behaviors. Ultimately, neither morals nor intent have anything to do with it. One can't be a 'moral capitalist,' and it's why capitalism cannot be adequately 'reformed.'

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Thanksgiving has long been my favorite holiday, moreso today with the emphasis on gratitude for all that sustains life. I am 90 yrs old and have recently reread Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States". I find it as relevant and accurate today as when it first became a

best seller in the 1980s. And he didn't even live to witness the present horrors perpetrated by the US empire. I wager his book, lectures and activism did more than any other historian to dis-

pell the myth of American exceptionalism for generations of young and not so young students,

as well as for others who care about our history.

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