This is a great addition to the already superb content you’ve been churning out. I’ve switched all my MSM spend dollars to supporting a diverse, thought provoking stable of “alternative” sources and proud to support this growing movement. It gives me hope that the search for truth and greater understanding of issues is still alive in the hearts of many. Hoping for critical mass once the rest of the public wakes up to the shenanigans being played by corporate media.

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First, fantastic idea for a series.

As for this video, it really pissed me off that mainstream outlets are only interested in showing racial strife even when the opposite is the truth. Also that they simply refuse to cover people coming together when so much in the news is about conflict. I know that bad news sells, but the media has a moral responsibility to not intentionally exacerbate civil unrest by falsely over stating it. All this does is drive people apart.

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Definitely worth focusing on where the official narratives conflict with public reality.

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This is exactly the kind of on the ground reporting that activists don't get enough of, thank you so much! As a former "protest whore" I've been frustrated endlessly by how poorly the mainstream media covers protests, usually somewhere in between "haha dumb kids/women/rednecks" and "omg scary mob". I will read this next one and forward it to a friend who's shared with me some hilarious boogaloo memes.

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I am grateful for your work Matt. You endure the pitfalls of real reporting, which grows more rare every day

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Hearing "In collaboration with TK news" makes me happy.

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The media has always depicted the Boogaloo Boys as a bunch of extreme, violent right wing gun nuts, obsessed with 4chan memes, but it was obvious this was a lie from the start. First of all they only appeared on the scene after the death of George Floyd. There is not even a trace of their existence before that. Second, no one in the gun community knew a damn thing about these guys. This was compounded by the Boogaloo Boys acting like they had been part of the community for a while. Third, there is no way they were connected to 4chan. They were too well organized, with a uniform style of dress and brand new "Pepe" patches. Also no one is that particular cesspool of the internet knew who they were either. Fourth, there was no connection to any libertarian groups either. Finally, they always sided with BLM during the protests and marched along side them. Not exactly enemies huh? I'm still not sure who they actually are but a lot of people I know have their money on a fed honey pot and I would not be surprised if some of them actually were federal agents.

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Wouldn’t it be interesting to do a 5 year study of these activist if they each applied to become police officers? I am in agreement, the system needs serious adjustments, and since these people profess to see the problem, why don’t they become the solution? After 5 years on the force it would be a great learning experience to hear what they would say about the situation at that point in time.

Or do they plan on leaving that to others?

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Politics makes strange bedfellows. Love seeing people dialogue and really listen and try to understand each other. The elites are afraid of how much we might agree. To their detriment

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Thank you for this feature. It was already worth the subscription price and now this is icing on the cake.

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So there may in fact be a credible threat to the established oligarchy and the news isn't reporting on the connectedness to make them seem less significant?

Then out of left field, (seemingly,) "Domestic War on Terror" and they're all rounded up and or harassed and rooted out while the press only presents the "Homogenized Evil Villains" that the establishment wants anyone to see -also hiding a lot of atrocity.

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I can't bring myself to view zealots in ersatz military get-ups and ski masks, at events often ending in melees,"activists." They're something, but not that. Would the brats who invaded the restaurants in DC, demanding that diners raise their fists and take oaths "activists"? They were brown shirts. We're in the land of a thousand putsches.

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This is awesome!

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Very much looking forward to this. I know I'm preaching to the choir, and the preacher as well, but it can't be said too often today: what is selected for publication and what is omitted is the essence of journalistic integrity. Coverage of a "women's march" could show the rally as far left, left, center, right and far right. Covid-19 is the sniffles compared to the pandemic of confirmation bias. That said, I have quite a bit of trust that Matt Taibbi speaks the truth, and I am grateful for that.

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This is primo example of how and why corporate media gets it wrong not once, but twice. At the 7 minute mark, Fischer shows how local news covered the event and how they completely mischaracterized what was happening. Thanks to consolidation of broadcast media and the ensuing cost-cutting measures, on-the-ground TV reporters don't have the time to cover events with any kind of nuance or expertise. Nor do they get paid much - at least the younger ones. It's just slam-bam, write, edit and slap the finished product up for the evening or late-night broadcasts and move on to the next assignment. The secondary effect is more troubling. Since there's not time to cover the event in any depth, reporters end up following the assumptions within the conventional false narrative (i.e. ALL Boogaloo Bois are racist and would never lock arms with BLM), which spreads the false narrative even more out into the zeitgeist. This is why what Fischer and other independent video journalists are doing out there is crazy important. And this is why Fischer and others are being demonetized by YouTube and shouted down by the liberal establishment media. Glad to see TK News giving Fischer a platform. Congratulations. I hope it will lend credibility and increase visibility to a truly awesome cause.

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What IS the system?

It’s capitalism. The people running the political system, funding NGOs, owning media, bankrolling politicians and “major” parties are all capitalists. They may have disagreements in tactics, but they agree fundamentally on capitalist rule, class rule over the working class whether black, white, brown, woman or man. And that is often obscured by divisions created and aided by this system—divide and conquer. That working people are finding and expressing solidarity in struggle exposes (you can see it in the capitalist media coverage of that joint protest) this tactic of divide-and-conquer.

Bravo for making these videos available.

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