
Everything is going according to the plan. Keep fighting one another over trivial differences so that you won't notice how your nation is being stolen out from underneath you, how utterly incompetent our so-called "leaders" are, and who might really be pulling the levers behind the curtain.

Obey. Comply.

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The only problem with the footage is it’s kind of bullshit to present the two sides as equally atrocious. Anyone who’s been to these protests knows full well that 95% of the time Antifa type lunatics are physically assaulting the other side.

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Both Martin Luther King and Lyndon Johnson would be horrified if they were alive to see how the people in power have resurrected racism. Media has a nasty part in all of it, just loving the drama that they use for better ratings. Picking a scab that had mostly healed makes no sense. The USA is not a racist country. Our worst war ever was fought to get rid of slavery, and affirmative action laws were passed with hope of opportunity and equality. We elected a black President twice. Blacks in the USA are the most prosperous blacks on earth and East Asian and Indian Americans are more prosperous than white Americans. Young kids just don’t care about color. They date eachother, they marry eachother, they just don’t care about skin color. Kids are over it.

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Thanks, Matt. I may see this differently than a lot of people. I see people who are fed up with the free pass Antifa and BLM are getting while “domestic terrorism” is defined as anyone who supported Trump and would like to question the election results or questions Covid measures or god forbid lost someone in 9/11 and wants to honor them or have a religious holiday. I see Antifa and BLM as funded and urged on by Soros and company, by the Democratic Party. I see what's described as “people on the right” as people who may be quite centrist but who are sick and tired of being crapped on and told their awful by Leftists who've done nothing but make money off their suffering and loss in the last year. So, no, I don't see it as anything one can equate the way I believe you are - perhaps I'm wrong, but I read you as saying there is this right wing as much to blame for this violence as the far left. And if that's the case, I completely disagree.

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The Venn diagram of people who adopt the label "activist" and people who are eye-rollingly insufferable is nearly a perfect circle.

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“ fights over transgender rights” is completely based on the left framing of the situation. No wonder why this keeps getting harder and harder to come to agreement when we can’t even describe these issues without using a neutral frame.

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Our public discourse has been so poisoned and flooded with false binaries and artificial ideas. It has become difficult to point out the very obvious parallels between antifa and the rise of Nazi Germany and its Hitler youth. The more our current society seems to drift towards outright fascism with forced medical interventions on the entire population, and street thugs in every neighborhood sent to intimidate those opposing the state's Orwellian program, the more people are attacked for making the comparison with Nazi Germany.

That's how we know something is up...

The economic and security situation has not even fully unraveled yet. The Too Big Too Fail Banks are still on QE life support thanks the Federal Reserve, repo-loans and "liquidity injections." What will happen once this thing actually starts to unravel and the economic situation dramatically deteriorates? What will be the role of these gangs in enforcing the fascist policies from city to city, neighborhood to neighborhood?

These kind of street thugs will be the controlled foot soldiers of the fascist apparatus that takes over the USA, unless it's stopped. The Nazis started off as a minority, but if you have 100 people, and even only 2 of them go around with guns and knives knocking on everyone else's door and threatening to burn their houses down or kill their family if they don`t shut their mouths and do as they are told, those two thugs are enough to create a reign of terror. It doesn't matter that they are relatively few, this is how the Nazis came to power as well. They had their thugs in every neighborhood who were so drunk on ideology that they had no problem killing those who they were convinced posed an existential threat.

Have we been subjected to so much astroturfing and so many psy-ops that people are now even afraid to talk about the parallels with what`s happening today and the Nazi takeover of Germany?

The intel agencies spy on everybody. We all know this. So does anyone really think they're not aware of what antifa does and how it operates? How many antifa members are FBI informants, or manipulated by shadowy intel operatives that we're not supposed to mention, lest we be labeled ''conspiracy theorists?''

The system has not spun into total chaos yet. I think people need to keep that in mind. What will be the role of these kind of groups as things really start to spiral out of control?

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So, I'm a very much tired of commenters high-jacking Matt's writing. The same ones, the same comments, the same opinions, the same-old-same-old. Please, start your own Substack instead of stealing someone else's. But, I read thru the comments anyway, skip the commenters who add something to every other person's comment, as if they are the Matt Taibbi comment police, and look for the original real person who has something to say. And, you, real person, thanks! I like to hear what you have to say.

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Sorry, but that video didn't demonstrate much of anything to me other than watching what was, for the main, a bunch of disenfranchised miscreants amped up on Red Bull and social media.

If anything, the takeaway is that the Establishment loves to see this kind of wasted energy, since it successfully deflects most people's attentions from them, away from the actual cause of their misery.

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Is it any worse than the 60s? Far less worse for the lack of assassinations, fortunately. When I see videos of this violence, it looks like theater kids who no longer have an outlet, whose cosplay conventions have stopped because of covid met by young men who are frustrated with life, the culture, a lack of opportunities, etc. I don't mean to downplay our cultural struggles. There are many, some of which are quite threatening, but the violence, while in some cases bad, doesn't seem too pervasive.

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I’m not trying to be a Grumpy Gus, but is there any value in watching/spreading a streetfight between a couple idiots in some random town? It feels like this kind of shit tickles the same sordid parts of our psyche as watching Jerry Springer in the 90s did, only now people justify it by thinking it’s crucial to staying “informed”.

Is there any actual benefit to people’s lives to watch strangers fight like this? Do we even learn something valuable about how to treat our fellow Man because of this? This kind of stuff can only provoke hatred and meat-headed tribalism, IMO. The sooner people stop filming this shit and spreading it, the better. Christ, I miss the pre-social media days when I wasn’t being bombarded with “viral” videos of some bumpkin finally getting his comeuppance for being a dick for 3 minutes of his life on camera. Now everybody has to spread this shit and “create awareness” in tying sordid shit to whatever political/cultural point they want to make.

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Our elites, who love this stuff, have obviously read "The Gallic Wars" by J. Caesar. In that book, written by a dead white man, he gives you chapter and verse on how to divide and conquer.

The proles had that book taken out of the curriculum decades ago (dead white men, CRT, you know the drill). At the top, they still read it, as you can see in the video.

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So I watch this video and my viewpoint is this:

This is the same crap that happened in Russia in 1917 and Germany in the early 1930s.

It's exacerbated by the COVID thing; people are unemployed or underemployed, have no social lives and instead are doing this crap. That doesn't make it not dangerous, it's just the explanation for it. In the past events, people were unemployed or underemployed because of war or economic depression and the situation was exacerbated by hunger and famine. Goes to show that government transfer payments aren't fixing the problem and the yawning social gap is having real, appreciable harm.

About who is engaged in this, who cares really. The Antifa types existed in both of the above; as did right wing opponents. Who won varied based upon their leadership. Put a Lenin or a Goebbels in place, either side could 'win' and impose their own totalitarian solution.

My response: arm myself (already done) and hope that this is over soon. The real problem is the non or sub-par functional society. Fix that and this recedes into the background.

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I moved to Asia shortly before Trump took office and have been here ever since. I largely ignored news coverage during all the Russiagate nonsense and endless hyperventilating over Trump's tweets. Then I tuned back in during COVID in what turned out to be a fruitless attempt to figure out what was going on. Then Floyd got killed.

And I realized pretty quickly that, while I was away, you all had completely lost your damn minds. At this point, I don't see a path towards restoration of any semblance of sanity. It's just going to keep getting worse. These street battles are going to grow. The homeless population is going to continue to balloon. I don't know what the endgame here is other than civilizational collapse. It's just a question of what that collapse is going to look like.

We keep looking for technical and policy solutions to problems that are in fact psychological and spiritual. America's collapse is a psycho-social phenomenon.

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Pretty sure if you're wearing all-black outfits with jackboots, carrying weapons, and trying to attack other people for disagreeing with you, you're only half-right in claiming to be "anti-fascist" ...

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For all the macho bluster of folks on both sides, they fight like pansies. Seriously.

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